So many interesting things going on, and not enough minutes in the day in which to do them!
The dilemma here at G4FUI is that with the coming-to-life of Sunspot Cycle 24, the HF bands have taken on a new life. Surges in solar/geomagnetic activity, bursts of enhanced propagation, spells of near blackout conditions, auroral effects, D-Layer Absorption effects, it's ALL going on!
Just making sure my feet remain firmly planted on the floor, my wire antenna came down a week ago after it was put under too much strain by the weight of apples on a branch of a tree which has begun to straddle it.
It strikes me this time round, that the new solar maximum when we get to it will have an enormous number of internet-connected folks running sophisticated DSP-based software examining every detail of it from every angle. It really doesn't get much better than that does, it, if you happen to be a radio enthusiast?
Bring it on!
World religions - NOT amateur radio
4 hours ago
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